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Fire Pump Systems

Fire pump systems are used to meet the critical water flow and pressure calculated as a result of the design of extinguishing systems.

They continuously supply water at the required flow rate and pressure to all systems that need pressurized water such as sprinklers, fire cabinets, indoor and outdoor hydrant systems.

What Are The Basic Features of Fire Pumps Different From Other Booster Groups?

Unlike water boosters, fire pumps have operating curves parallel to the horizontal. (Flow-pressure optimization)

Fire pump systems consist of main pumps and jockey pumps. Main pumps are necessarily supplied with redundancy.

By taking precautions against energy cuts of fire pumps, it is ensured that they work even in the worst scenario.

Periodic testing and maintenance of fire pumps is mandatory.

What Are Pump Selection Criterias According to NFPA20?

The three main factors to be considered about fire pumps;

The pressure value obtained when the pump reaches 150% of the nominal flow rate value should not be less than 65% of the nominal pressure value.

The pressure value obtained against the closed valve (at 0% flow) should not be more than 140% of the nominal pressure.

It should be approved that it will provide the declared flow rate and pressure values according to the reference values (kW / hP) and that it is produced in accordance with intended use.


What Are The Fire Pump Types?

According to Suction Type and Physical Properties

End Suction Fire Pumps

Horizontal Split Case Fire Pumps

Vertical Turbine Type Fire Pumps


By Drive Type

Electric Motor Fire Pumps

Diesel Engine Fire Pumps

The most preferred design standards for these systems in the world are NFPA20 and EN12845.

Designs should be made according to the same standard to cover the entire system and equipment, and product types should be selected accordingly.

It is very important that the systems have been tested and approved by internationally accredited organizations such as UL, FM, VdS.

Fire pump systems have many auxiliary environmental equipment such as relief valves, waste cone, flow meters, pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, test valves, etc.

The types and characteristics of these peripheral equipment are determined according to the flow rate and pressure values of the main pumps (main – reserve).

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